The Compulsory Vaccination Act is set in stone and will come into force on Feb. 1. The Austrian national Assembly has blessed the draft with a large majority.
The controversial compulsory vaccination is law. At 7 pm, after hours of debate, the time had come: ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ and NEOS voted in the National Council for the implementation of the draft law. Thus, it is fixed: on February 1, 2022, the vaccination obligation enters into force.
Already from 9 o’clock in the morning there were heated debates between FPÖ and the rest of the House.
At the request of the Freedom Party, a roll call vote was held. Means, it was not by simply standing up, voted, but first all 183 deputies called by name to throw a ballot in the box provided.
Not all Greens agree with the vaccination obligation, one mandatary had stayed away from the vote because of his rejection. The ranks of the NEOS were also not closed.
In the end, there were 137 votes in favor and 33 against, with a total of 170 votes cast.
- source: Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay
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